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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

2024 Kentucky State Assessment Results:

  Math Proficient Math Distinguished Reading Proficient Reading Distinguished
Elementary 30% 11% 32% 16%
Middle 28% 10% 27% 17%
High 23% 11% 32% 13%

School Supply List K-5

Rineyville Elementary School Supply List 2024-2025
Kindergarten 1st grade 2nd Grade
1 Backpack no wheels 1 Backpack no wheels 1 Backpack no wheels
4 boxes of 24 count Crayola Crayon 4 boxes of 24 count Crayola Crayon 4 boxes of 24 count Crayola Crayon
8 small Elmer's glue sticks (Purple) 8 small Elmer's glue sticks (Purple) 8 small Elmer's glue sticks (Purple)
1 pencil box 1 black composition notebook wide rule 1 pkg Ticonderoga pencils (24 count)
2 rolls of paper towels 1 poly folder green 1 pkg loose leaf paper wide rule
2 boxes of tissues 2 pink block erasers 3 composition notebooks wide rule Blue, Black, Red
Boys: Gallon size bags 1 hard plastic pencil box 2 poly folder with clips Blue, Red
Girls: Sandwich size bags 2 pkgs Ticonderoga pencils (24 count) 4 rolls of paper towels
1 Pair of headphones - no earbuds 2 rolls of paper towels 4 boxes of tissues
  2 boxes of tissues 1 pair of head phones- NO ear buds
  1 pair of headphones-no earbuds Boys: Gallon size bags
  Boys: Gallon size bags Girls: Quart size bags
  Girls: Sandwich size bags  
3rd grade 4th grade 5th grade
1 Backpack no wheels 1 Backpack no wheels 1- 3 ring binder with shoulder strap
2 boxes of 24 count Crayola Crayon 2 boxes of 24 count Crayola Crayon 2 boxes of 24 count Crayola Crayon
4 small Elmer's glue sticks (Purple) 8 small Elmer's glue sticks (Purple) 8 small Elmer's glue sticks (Purple)
3 pkg Ticonderoga pencils (24 count) 1 pkg Ticonderoga pencils (24 count) 1 pkg Ticonderoga pencils (24 count)
2 composition notebooks wide rule (black and blue) 4- 1 subject wide rule spiral notebooks (Blue, red, yellow and green) 3- 1 subject wide rule spiral notebooks (Blue, red, and green)
1 -1 subject spiral notebook wide rule 1 pencil box 1 pencil box
2 rolls of paper towels 2 rolls of paper towels 2 composition notebooks wide rule Blue, and Black
2 boxes of tissues 2 boxes of tissues 2 rolls of paper towels
1 pair of headphones- no earbuds 1 pair of ear buds 2 boxes of tissues
1 pencil box or pouch Boys: Gallon size bags 1 pair of ear buds
Boys: Gallon size bags Girls: Sandwich size bags Boys: Gallon size bags
Girls: Sandwich size bags   Girls: Sandwich size bags
Wish list items: Donations for Special areas:  
Clorox Wipes Paper towels  
Extra Glue Sticks tissues  
Expo Markers (Black only) crayons  
  Expo markers  
  Glue sticks